
We are actively looking for young people who think about the law and seek to apply it in practice, in the light of a fast-paced and competitive reality, with excellent human and technical training being an essential condition. We are also looking for a sense of responsibility, teamwork skills and a command of foreign languages.

There are two recruitment processes every year: for professional internships and for short-term internships. Both are very dynamic and based on gamification, with the dual aim of making our culture known and challenging candidates' potential through an innovative, immersive and interactive format.

In the case of traineeships, each year we only take on the number of trainee lawyers that we estimate will be able to join the team at the end of the traineeship, which demonstrates our total commitment to the training and progression of all trainee lawyers.

The intake of trainee lawyers usually begins in the summer of the year before the traineeship starts. We value young law graduates who have had contact with other cultures, master languages other than Portuguese and English and who have had personal and/or professional experiences in different environments and realities. We believe in true diversity, without a specific, pre-defined profile.

This experience can also take on an international dimension, with the possibility of rotating through the offices of the Morais Leitão Legal Circle network, which includes, in addition to Portugal, Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique.

The aim of short-term internships is to provide contact with the practical side of law. The trainee is integrated into the team and participates in the work that is taking place at the time of the traineeship.

You can find our recruitment platform at the link below, which is always available for new applications. Applications are always analysed, even if they are outside recruitment cycles.

Before I finished my degree, I was already certain that Morais Leitão would be my choice for my internship - and it was undoubtedly the right choice. From an early stage, I had the opportunity to really integrate the teams I had the pleasure of joining, which allowed me to apply what I had learnt at university and, by benefiting from ongoing training, to acquire a whole range of other knowledge. Being accompanied by professionals of excellence, whose human qualities match their technical skills, makes any internship at Morais Leitão a learning and growth experience, both professionally and personally.
Vera Calado

Being able to take my first steps in the legal profession at Morais Leitão is an enormous privilege. Learning and growing with the best, following challenging topics while being encouraged to maintain a stable personal life, is a unique opportunity. Being a trainee lawyer at Morais Leitão allows us to develop our technical skills in a way that is difficult to match, as we are part of multidisciplinary teams that are constantly innovating.

Tomás Mendonça Viçoso

Application Area