Expertise Practice Areas


At Morais Leitão we provide general consultancy services for the fulfilment of legislation applicable to the exercise of the various economic activities. In this domain we highlight legal support in the prior definition of the various licences, authorisations and formalities required for the installation and operation of enterprises and counselling on the administrative procedures established in legislation and applicable regulations, thus enabling the investor to have the information needed for the best decision.

We further have profound knowledge of the procedures required to obtain other licences, authorizations and other formalities that may be needed for the development of economic activities, such as in urban and environmental matters, including building permits, environmental impact statements, environmental licenses, waste permits and water utilization licences.

Another main area we work in is legal support in the various steps of the procedures to obtain licencing for tourist enterprises, both at city councils and at Central Administration (Turismo de Portugal, for example).

The services we provide also include contracting between licencing entities and private promoters, an area that due to the signing of protocols between the Public Administration and investors has recently had important developments.