
Bruno Santiago and Tiago Félix da Costa discuss "The use of criminal proceedings to deal with tax issues" at the Advocatus Summit

Bruno Santiago and Tiago Félix da Costa, partners at Morais Leitão, attended at the 7th edition of the Advocatus Summit on 21 May at 12 noon to speak on the panel "The use of criminal proceedings to deal with tax issues", which will be moderated by journalist Inês Serra Lopes.

On the subject under discussion, the lawyers said that “Recently, the tax authority has sought to collect the revenue from the taxes it considers due by filing criminal proceedings, with the consequent coercive effect on taxpayers, instead of making the tax assessment to which it is legally obliged”.

The event, which took place between May 20 and 23 at Estudio ECO in Lisbon, also included the usual lunch with the managing partners of the main law firms. The 7th edition of the Advocatus Summit covered various topics over four days, such as Real Estate, Artificial Intelligence, Taxation and Compliance, Labor, Energy and Sustainability.

In Advocatus

Watch the participation of the ML partners below.