
Carlos Coelho comments to Jornal de Negócios on the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the legal sector

Carlos Coelho, Head of Innovation and Knowledge at Morais Leitão, defends the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an essential tool for the future of the legal sector. Morais Leitão already has a plan underway to integrate generative AI into its internal processes, with the aim of dealing efficiently with the growing regulatory complexity and volume of data.

The expert emphasises that although AI is the ‘sexiest aspect of technology’, it should not be seen as an isolated solution. ‘AI is just the top of the pyramid, and there is a previous path to follow that is fundamental,’ he says. Carlos Coelho stresses the importance of the quality and organisation of information for AI to be truly effective. It's crucial to have solid internal processes and people dedicated to ‘teaching the machine’, since it's not enough to subscribe to a tool like ChatGPT jurídico and expect immediate results.

Since 2018, Morais Leitão has invested in developing processes that enable its teams to use this technology efficiently. Currently, the law firm already has the capacity to apply AI in areas such as contractual and risk analysis, among others.

Carlos Coelho believes that the breadth of tasks that can be carried out using AI represents a profound transformation in the traditional business model of law firms. In his view, understanding the potential of this technology is fundamental for legal firms that want to remain competitive in a constantly evolving market.

Read the full article here.