
Carlos Coelho signs the article ‘It's time to rethink the concept of legal work’

Carlos Coelho, Director of Innovation and Knowledge at Morais Leitão, signs the article ‘It's time to rethink the concept of legal work’ published by Centrum magazine, in which he highlights the need for a transformation in the legal industry, proposing a client-centred model.

The article criticises the delivery of lengthy legal reports that do not meet the needs of decision-makers, resulting in a disconnect between lawyers and clients. The head of innovation and knowledge suggests that the integration of professionals from different areas and the use of artificial intelligence can improve the delivery of legal services.

Carlos Coelho proposes a cultural change in law firms, prioritising active listening to clients and adapting solutions to their needs, with the aim of strengthening long-term relationships and increasing client satisfaction.

Click here to read the full article.