
Colloquium "The new framework of the regulatory authorities"

Pedro Costa Gonçalves, partner of Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva, will be present at the colloquium "The new framework of the regulatory authorities", organised within the scope of the XII Forum of CEDIPRE with the National Regulatory Authorities. The colloquium takes place on 25 October 2013 in the auditorium of the Institute of Construction and Real Estate (INCI – Lisbon).

"Independence, responsibility and controls" is the theme under discussion in the session in which Pedro Costa Gonçalves participates. In this session Eduardo Paz Ferreira (Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon) and Ascenso Simões (member of the Electricity Services regulatory Entity – ERSE) will also be present.

Pedro Costa Gonçalves, as managing director of CEDIPRE, will also be present at the closing session of the colloquium.

For further information, please access the program of the colloquium.