
Conference | ‘Fit & Proper’ and the assessment of suitability’

The Miguel Galvão Teles Institute and Morais Leitão are organising a conference dedicated to matters of ‘fit & proper’ (self-assessment and administrative assessment of suitability for the exercise of relevant functions and ownership of qualifying holdings in regulated markets).

The event will include the presentation ‘Fit and proper’ between ‘hard law’ and ‘soft law’: for sound and prudent management and a round table whose starting point is the self-assessment and administrative assessment of suitability for the exercise of administrative, supervisory and control functions, its difficulties and challenges.

The initiative will include the participation of European and national regulators, financial institutions, academics and lawyers, such as Ana Rita Campos (Head of Authorisations Division, Banking Supervision, Directorate General SSM Governance & Operations, European Central Bank), Ana Moniz Macedo (Coordinating Director and Company Secretary, Banco Comercial Português), Luís Carlos Lopes Batista (Specialist Technician in the Authorisations and Registrations Department, Portuguese Supervisory Authority), Luís Carlos Lopes Batista (Specialist Technician in the Authorisations and Registrations Department, Portuguese Supervisory Authority).

Department, Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority), Maria Manuel Martins Batalha (Coordinator of the Suitability Assessment Unit, Prudential Supervision Department, Banco de Portugal), Miguel Prata Roque (Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon Law School) and Tiago Estêvão Marques, (Director of the Legal Department, European Central Bank).

Representing Morais Leitão will be lawyers João Matos Viana, José Azevedo Moreira, Margarida Torres Gama, Tiago Geraldo and Vera Esteves Cardoso, who will moderate the different panels.

The initiative will take place on 24 October, between 9.30am and 1pm, in the João Morais Leitão Auditorium.

Click here to register free of charge, subject to capacity.

See the annex for the programme.