
Duarte Santana Lopes in an interview with Advocatus

In an interview with Advocatus, Duarte Santana Lopes, a partner at Morais Leitão, criticises the government's Anti-Corruption Agenda, highlighting the lack of concrete and realistic measures.

The lawyer, who specialises in criminal, regulatory offences and compliance law, argues that the length of criminal justice proceedings is mainly due to the first instance, rather than the appeals phase. Duarte Santana Lopes expresses his dissatisfaction with award justice solutions, stating that his aversion is based more on social than legal reasons. The Morais Leitão partner defends the need for consensus and stability on issues that are structural to democracy and society, especially in the area of justice, which he considers to be of great social importance.

In addition, the lawyer suggests that investigation deadlines should be peremptory and that investigations should be speeded up, proposing the adoption of alternative means of resolving cases.

Read the full interview here.

(The interview in only available in portuguese)