
Elmano Sousa Costa, Marta Salgado Areias and Inês Cabral Ferreira teach the course “The essential for companies in the return to normality”, promoted by B-Law and the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Marta Salgado Areias and Inês Cabral Ferreira teach the first module entitled “What companies should know about teleworking and data protection on return to work”, in which they analyze the legal issues regarding teleworking and the necessary data protection that such regime requires.

The second and third modules are taught by Inês Cabral Ferreira and Elmano Sousa Costa, respectively. In the module “Progressive deconfination: labor and social security issues”, Inês Cabral Ferreira addresses issues related to hygiene at work, the duties of workers and employers in the event of an infection, amongst others.

Elmano Sousa Costa is responsible for the last module entitled “How can companies' lives improve with the exceptional measures approved by the Government?”. In this context, her clarifies the support measures adopted by the Portuguese government in the post-pandemic context and the consequences of non-compliance with payment of benefits.

The course aims to clarify the doubts that arise from the return to the workplace, as well as it intends to provide companies with relevant knowledge to guarantee their security in data protection in this “new normality”.

The course takes place from June 18th to 19th, 2020 and is subject to prior registration.

Consult here the program in detail.