
Inês F. Neves is a speaker at the event ‘Law and Artificial Intelligence - Paths that Intertwine?’

Inês F. Neves participates as a speaker at the event ‘Law and Artificial Intelligence - Paths that Intertwine?’, promoted by the National Council of Law Students (CNED), which takes place today, 11 December. This meeting brings together experts to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence in the legal field, through three thematic panels.

Representing the team from the Jean Monnet Module - A Digital Europe for Citizens, Inês F. Neves will be speaking on the third panel, at 12 noon, entitled ‘The AI Act 6 months on: State of Play’, where she will be accompanied by Tiago Rocha and Graça Enes. The debate will focus on the impact of recent European regulations on the use of artificial intelligence.

- 10am: ‘AI in Law - the Lei PT platform’, with Afonso Pereira and Diogo Costa;
- 11am: ‘Dangers of AI - myths or reality?’, with Francisco Arga e Lima.