
Inês Gouveia signs article on competition and the labour market

Inês Gouveia, senior lawyer at Morais Leitão, wrote the article ‘Competition and the Labour Market’ in the magazine Distribuição Hoje, in which she analyses the challenges and concerns with anti-competitive practices in the context of the labour market. In the article, the lawyer examines ‘no-poach’ and wage-fixing agreements, practices that have received increasing attention from competition authorities, both in Portugal and in the European Union.

Although these practices are commonly associated with commercial competition, their impact on the labour market is significant, as they can interfere with wages and worker mobility. Inês Gouveia refers to recent investigations by the Competition Authority (AdC), including sanctions applied in 2024 in the technology consultancy sector and a previous decision related to a Portuguese Professional Football League agreement.

It highlights the need to sensitise companies to practices that guarantee compliance with competition, promoting wage and hiring policies that respect market dynamics and ensure the retention of talent in a legal and fair manner. The article concludes by encouraging companies to adopt less restrictive alternatives that are in line with good practices and do not compromise labour competition.
Read the full article here.

See the full article in the attachment below.

(this article is in english only)