
Isabel Gameiro and David Silva Ramalho teach ‘Tackling Cybercrime’ at SII

Isabel Gameiro and David Silva Ramalho will be teaching ‘Tackling Cybercrime: Civil Nature of Losses, Frauds, Forgeries from a Commercial Perspective’ at The Siracusa International Institute on 10, 11 and 12 September in Italy.

The lawyers will teach the following sessions:

10 de setembro

  • Session 3 – Civil Nature of Cybercrime Losses
    Understanding the difference between civil and criminal aspects, focusing on civil liabilities, compensations, and remedies.
    Isabel Gameiro
  • Session 4 – Understanding Online Frauds and tracing money flows for cybercrime
    Types of online frauds (e.g., identity theft, phishing, financial frauds), their impact on victims.
    David Silva Ramalho

11 de setembro

  • Session 7 – Legal Framework
    Overview of relevant national laws and regulations governing cybercrimesand civil losses.
    Isabel Gameiro
  • Session 8 – Case Studies and Discussions
    Real-world examples demonstrating the civil nature of cybercrime losses.
    Isabel Gameiro
  • Session 9 – Digital Forgeries
    Techniques used for digital forgeries, including document tampering, email frauds, and counterfeit digital signatures.
    David Silva Ramalho

12 de setembro

  • Session 11 – Legal Remedies and Protection
    Legal strategies for protection against commercial cybercrimes and enhancing laws to protect children online. This will include discussions on the role of civil courts and the necessity of stringent criminal penalties for CSAM.
    Isabel Gameiro e David Silva Ramalho

See the annex for the event's agenda.