
João Pereira Reis and Miguel Arnaud de Oliveira analyse the impact of the new Land Law at the XII Urban Rehabilitation Week

The new Land Law was debated at the XII Lisbon Urban Rehabilitation Week, with the participation of João Pereira Reis and Miguel Arnaud de Oliveira on the panel ‘The new Land Law - What are the main changes?’, as part of the conference ‘New Land Law - Building on rural land for more housing’.

João Pereira Reis, a partner at Morais Leitão, emphasised that the public debate on the law ‘got off to a bad start, as it was presented as if it were an amendment to the law, which is not the case. Consequences and effects were attributed to it that, in reality, it doesn't have. There is no causal link between what is in the law and what has been said in the public arena.’ Analysing the law, he stressed that ‘this is not a structural reform, in fact, what the government has done is simplify existing legal instruments. From my point of view, they did it well’.

Miguel Arnaud de Oliveira, a consultant at Morais Leitão, emphasised that ‘the main advantage of these changes was to bring the issue up for debate, but I don't know if, at the end of this process, we'll have a more simplified mechanism than the one that existed for reclassifying land for housing purposes’.

Read the full article here.

(The article is in portuguese only)