
Juliana Vasconcelos Senra signed the article “Preventing the worst-case scenario in domestic violence: I get by with a little help from AI?”

Juliana Vasconcelos Senra, an associate in the firm's criminal, regulatory offences and compliance team, wrote the article “Preventing the worst-case scenario in domestic violence: I get by with a little help from AI?” published on the Shifter editorial platform.

The article discusses the problem of domestic violence and the importance of risk assessment to prevent extreme cases such as femicide. In Portugal, the assessment is carried out after the report of violence, using a model that involves closed questions to determine the victim's degree of risk. However, the system has flaws, as the assessment is often carried out by agents who are not specialists in gender violence, resulting in an incomplete understanding of the risk.

The lawyer also compares the Portuguese system with Spain's VioGén, which uses Artificial Intelligence for risk assessment. Although VioGén is considered more advanced, it still has errors and does not replace the need for human intervention. The article emphasizes that, despite technological improvements, the sensitivity and continuous training of the professionals who deal with these cases are crucial to guaranteeing the protection of victims.

Read the full article here.

(The article is in portuguese only)