
Margarida Olazabal Cabral takes part in the Megaprojects | Leadership and Governance conference

Margarida Olazabal Cabral, a partner at Morais Leitão who is part of the administrative and public law and urban planning teams, will take part in the MEGAPROJETOS | Leadership and Governance conference, organised by the Portuguese Engineers' Association (southern region), which will take place on 3 and 4 June.

The lawyer will take part in the panel discussion on the challenges of planning large infrastructures, on 3 June at 10h00.

The conference will take place in the OERS auditorium and will be led by Professor Nuno Gil, University of Manchester. The programme includes an opening conference on the morning of the first day, followed by training in the afternoon and throughout the second day.

See the conference agenda here.