
Morais Leitão grants an Innovation Award for the first time

This week, for the first time, Morais Leitão granted the Innovation Award, a recently created internal distinction.

Patrícia Carvalho, a collaborator and assistant, won with a project that proposes an international rotation of lawyers and collaborators inside a network that today covers three different continents, promoting the sharing of knowledge and procedures. 

The award, as previously announced, offers a trip to wherever the winner decides to go, as long if involving a visit to one of the law firms that belong to the Morais Leitão Legal Circle network – including Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Macau and Hong Kong. 

In this first edition of the Morais Leitão Innovation Award, thirty different ideas were presented. The project’s success clearly shows the way all our lawyers and collaborators live our firm’s growth, properly aware of its development, participating and integrating comments and suggestions, always defined by a strong spirit of enterprise.

Inês Magalhães Correia, José Maria Montenegro, Maria Rupia Lopes and Paula Lopes’s proposals also deserved special mentions for their quality.

The Innovation Award is one of the initiatives that came from an intense and internal dialogue about innovation, which was made in an enlarged, inclusive and participative format.