
Morais Leitão is in the Top 5 of the report "Excellence Index 2021 - Human Value in the Digital Era”

Morais Leitão had recently participated in the report "Index of Excellence 2021", developed by Neves de Almeida HR Consulting, in partnership with Human Resources Portugal and INDEG-ISCTE.

As a result of a demanding internal auditing process, the global excellence of our organization was evaluated in 74.7%, integrating the Top 5 of the large companies.

Morais Leitão stands out in particular in the categories "Client Orientation", "Strategic Orientation" and "Continuous Learning", in line with its values and mission. Success is also underlined in the practices of coordination, integration and in leadership.

With regard to organizational culture, Morais Leitão exceeds the market average by distinguishing itself in the category "Climate Excellence".
The same result was observed in one of the most important categories of the report: "Excellence of People Management".

For Joana Almeida, People Director at Morais Leitão, "this result makes us very proud and convinced that we are on the right track. More than this results, we are very interested in the diagnosis itself: the attraction and retention of talent are today more challenging than ever before and all the elements that may help us to improve, such as the indication of good practices and opportunities are extremely useful. People are, and have always been, at the center of our performance. For this reason, we have made a consistent effort in the development of talent, seeking to offer the best possible conditions".