
Morais Leitão supports Legal Tech Competition

The final stage of the Legal Tech Competition will take place on 19 October at Morais Leitão's offices in Lisbon.

Morais Leitão, in partnership with the Catholic University and BRYTER, is promoting the Legal Tech Competition, a contest that aims to train future lawyers with essential technological skills for the legal sector. The event, exclusively for 3rd and 4th year Law School students, offers a unique opportunity to learn how to automate legal processes with the BRYTER platform.

The event will have two main phases. From 7 to 18 October, registered students will have access to the BRYTER Learning Programme, an online course that can be completed at each participant's own pace, with an estimated load of just one hour per day. This course will be the basis of preparation for the competition, ensuring that all participants enter the event with the necessary skills to face the proposed challenges.

The final stage of the Legal Tech Competition will take place on 19 October at Morais Leitão's offices in Lisbon. On this day, students will be challenged to automate a legal workflow, applying the knowledge acquired during the programme, in a practical case developed in partnership with BRYTER.

Students interested in taking part should register here.