
Ricardo Seabra Moura lectures at the XXII Postgraduate Course in Tax Law

Ricardo Seabra Moura is teaching a module on Stamp Duty this Saturday, March 22, as part of the XXII Postgraduate Course in Tax Law, organised by the Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF) of the University of Lisbon Law Faculty

The lawyer from Morais Leitão's tax department is the lecturer responsible for the module on ‘gratuitous transfers in Stamp Duty’, where he will discuss the various particularities in the context of gratuitous transfers, namely the scope of incidence, exclusions from taxation, applicable exemptions, calculation of the taxable value, complemented by the presentation of various practical cases and practical declaratory aspects.

In this advanced postgraduate course, the main components of our tax system are analysed interactively, from the principles on which the system is based to the adjectival problems of procedure, process and infractions, as well as the major issues of taxation of consumption, income, assets, accounting law, tax auditing, international tax law, tax planning, parafiscal taxes and excise duties.