
Team Loan Project, supported by Morais Leitão, is present in the program “The Next Big Idea”

On the 13th of June, the Team Loan project, whose development was ensured by our Society, was present in the program "The Best Big Idea" on SIC Notícias.

The main objective of this particular project is to encourage team sharing. It is a digital platform that serves as a meeting point between groups that are temporarily stopped or in the process of ending activity, and companies that need to strengthen their respective departments.

Team Loan intends to respond to the needs of these organizations, regardless of the situation in which they find themselves, finding a balance between those who offer time and know how, and companies that need help to continue their activity.

This initiative is a fine example of what is to "adapt to the new normal”  by finding the best solutions for the approaching not so bright scenario.