
Tiago Félix da Costa coordinates the 1st Course on Protection of Personal Data

Tiago Félix da Costa, senior associate at Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva, is one of the coordinators of the “1st Course on Protection of Personal Data – Theory and Practice”, promoted by the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Portugal occurring in March, 2014. Leonor Chastre and Magda Cocco are also members of the coordinating team.

In this 1st course on protection of personal data several matters will be addressed, such as, personal data in marketing electronic commerce, human resources of public and corporate entities, transfer of personal data in national and international trade, sensitive personal data, personal data in the area of justice, compliance and data protection policies, actual notification and authorization procedures and the future of personal data protection regulation.

Beside coordinating the course, Tiago Félix da Costa teaches several modules. Having been a lawyer since 2004, he has wide experience in the areas of civil, corporate and commercial, criminal litigation and misdemeanour litigation.. Recently he has worked mainly in the personal data protection sector, providing legal assistance on criminal and misdemeanour processes in this area and assisting several companies in the creation of policies and programs of "compliance" in the personal data protection sector.

For further information, please see the attached programme.