14.11.2022 Catarina Vieira Peres • Market and Competition Law Review (M&CLR) – Vol. VI n.º 2 (2022)
The Impact of the Damages Directive on the Enforcement of EU Competition Law
Catarina Vieira Peres has reviewed "The Impact of the Damages Directive on the Enforcement of EU Competition Law", by Philipp Kirst, in an article published in the latest issue of Market and Competition Law Review (M&CLR) - Vol. VI no. 2 (2022).
«The question of how to combine public and private enforcement to achieve optimal results in terms of effective enforcement and deterrence of anti-competitive behaviour is a trending one in national and EU enforcers’ minds. Recently, the head of the Bundeskartellamt, Andreas Mundt, admitted to being worried about the decline in leniency applications as undertakings fear follow-on damage claims. The worry is comprehensible given that about half of Germany’s cartel cases are triggered by leniency applications. Tackling the decline in leniency applications due to fears of follow-on damage claims has become a key priority of the Bundeskartellamt.»