
The new legal framework for the electricity sector - Comments on Decree-Law no. 15/2022, of 14 January

"It is with great pleasure that I preface this book, which brings together texts that present us with a first reflection on various aspects of the regime on the organization and functioning of the National Electric System, approved by Decree-Law no. 15/2022, of 14 January – the diploma, with more than 300 articles, establishes the regulatory and administrative discipline to which all activities in the electrical sector are subject, from the production phase to the commercialization phase; it is, therefore, an important legislative compact in the
area of administrative law and public regulation.
In addition to its natural relevance on a specifically regulatory and economic level, the diploma is also important from a dogmatic perspective, as it receives and disciplines, with some innovative or at least particular traits, figures of general administrative law, whether in terms of procedure or at the level of unilateral decisions or administrative contracts.
The texts in this book are dedicated to understanding and explaining all these aspects, prepared by well-known experts on the themes they explore: here we can find the vision of specialists who are well acquainted with the electricity sector from the side of the regulated companies, but also the reading of those who deal with this sector on a daily basis from the regulator’s side; these are joined by several lawyers with extensive experience and direct knowledge of the evolution of electricity regulation, from the already distant past of the
vertical monopoly to the present day, in which the electricity sector emerges as an essential field of the regulated economy.
Pedro Costa Gonçalves