14.06.2023 AmCham Portugal

Artigo de opinião de Rui de Oliveira Neves | “Focal axes of transatlantic cooperation – a vision for the decade”

Rui de Oliveira Neves assina o artigo de opinião intitulado “Focal axes of transatlantic cooperation – a vision for the decade”, publicado pela AmCham Portugal.

O advogado fala sobre o caminho que Portugal tem feito no âmbito das energias renováveis.

«The energy transition path in which Portugal stands out in the European context and even at the global level is one of the central vectors that may enable the promotion of Atlantic convergence with the United States and the Portuguese-speaking countries in several economic areas during this decade.

In the last two years, Portugal has already reached levels of 50 to 60% of electricity production from renewable sources, based on hydro, wind and solar energy resources. […]».

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[As opiniões expressas neste artigo apenas vinculam o autor].