A Morais Leitão foi novamente reconhecida pelo diretório Legal 500 como Top Tier Firm em 17 áreas de prática: Banking and finance; Capital markets; Commercial, corporate and M&A; Data privacy and data protection; Dispute resolution; Employment; Energy and natural resources; EU and competition; Fraud and white-collar crime; Insolvency and restructuring; Planning law; Porto: Leading commercial firms; Projects and project finance; Public law; Real estate and construction; Tax e Transport.
Para além destas distinções, a Morais Leitão foi ainda recomendada em outras quatro áreas de prática: Intellectual property; TMT; Foreign firms – Angola e Foreign law firms – Mozambique.
O reconhecimento da Morais Leitão reflete-se em 49 distinções individuais, incluindo:
- 6 Hall of Fame;
- 21 Leading Individuals;
- 11 Next Generation Partners;
- 8 Rising Stars/Leading Associates.
No total, a sociedade soma este ano 70 rankings, dos quais 21 são rankings de sociedade e 49 individuais – um crescimento que consolida a sua posição de referência no panorama jurídico nacional e internacional.
Destacam-se no ranking os advogados:
- André de Sousa Vieira (Leading Partner) – Foreign law firms
- Bernardo Lobo Xavier (Leading Partner) – Porto: Leading commercial firms
- Bruno Santiago (Leading Partner) – Tax
- Bruno Xavier de Pina (Next Generation Partner) – Angola Foreign firms
- Carlos Osório de Castro (Hall of Fame) – Commercial, corporate and M&A | (Leading Partner) – Porto: Leading commercial firms
- Catarina Brito Ferreira (Leading Partner) – Energy and natural resources
- Claudia Santos Cruz (Leading Partner) – Transport
- Cláudia Castanheira Dos Santos (Next Generation Partner) – Banking and finance | (Leading Associate) – Projects and project finance
- Diana Ettner (Leading Associate) – Public law
- Eduardo Paulino (Leading Partner) – Capital markets | Commercial, corporate and M&A
- Elmano Sousa Costa (Leading Associate) – Banking and finance
- Filipa Morais Alçada (Leading Associate) – Projects and project finance
- Filipe Lowndes Marques (Leading Partner) – Banking and finance | Projects and project finance
- Filipe Vaz Pinto (Leading Partner) – Dispute resolution
- Francisco Cortez (Leading Partner) – Dispute resolution
- Francisco de Sousa da Câmara (Hall of Fame) – Tax
- Inês Gouveia (Leading Associate) – EU and competition
- Joaquim Vieira Peres (Leading Partner) – EU and competition
- João Anacoreta Correia (Leading Partner) – Porto: Leading commercial firms
- João Fitas (Leading Associate) – Real estate and construction
- João Pereira Reis (Leading Partner) – Planning law
- João Torroaes Valente (Leading Partner) – Real estate and construction
- Luís Branco (Hall of Fame) – Banking and finance
- Luís Miguel Monteiro (Hall of Fame) – Employment
- Luís Roquette Geraldes (Next Generation Partner) – Commercial, corporate and M&A
- Luís do Nascimento Ferreira (Leading Partner) – EU and competition
- Margarida Olazabal Cabral (Hall of Fame) – Public law
- Maria Soares do Lago (Next Generation Partner) – Capital markets
- Maria da Assunção da Cunha Reis (Leading Associate) – Data privacy and data protection
- Marta Pereira Rosa (Leading Associate) – Commercial, corporate and M&A
- Nuno Gundar da Cruz (Next Generation Partner) – Insolvency and restructuring
- Paula Ponces Camanho (Leading Partner) – Porto: Leading commercial firms
- Paulo Rendeiro (Next Generation Partner) – Porto: Leading commercial firms
- Pedro Costa Gonçalves (Hall of Fame) – Public law
- Pedro Pardal Goulão (Leading Partner) – Employment
- Pedro de Gouveia e Melo (Next Generation Partner) – EU and competition
- Ricardo Andrade Amaro (Leading Partner) – Energy and natural resources
- Rui Ribeiro Lima (Next Generation Partner) – Planning law
- Rui Patrício (Leading Partner) – Fraud and white-collar crime
- Sofia Vaz Sampaio (Next Generation Partner) – Dispute resolution
- Tiago Félix da Costa (Leading Partner) – Data privacy and data protection | Fraud and white-collar crime
- Tiago Geraldo (Next Generation Partner) – Fraud and white-collar crime
- Tomás Vaz Pinto (Leading Partner) – Commercial, corporate and M&A
- Vasco Stilwell de Andrade (Next Generation Partner) – Intellectual Property
Consulte a lista completa com os resultados do Legal 500.