Sobre Nós



Chambers Europe


"He is a reference for us in Portugal and is my go-to for any questions."

 "Francisco is a very well-known Portuguese lawyer, and a very good academic as well. He's a strong player in the market."

"Francisco is a very well-respected and well-known tax practitioner. His name carries some weight and he is also an academic."

"His work is top-notch. He is an experienced and technical tax specialist."

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is a leading practitioner in the tax sector. He is adept in advising clients on the tax aspects of acquisitions and in representing them in challenges to income tax assessments.

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is a leading practitioner in the tax sector. He is adept in advising clients on the tax aspects of acquisitions and in representing them in challenges to income tax assessments. A client underlines his "unparalleled knowledge and great insight into tax cases."

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara represents prominent clients from the financial and energy sectors in acquisitions as well as contentious matters.

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara has a wealth of experience advising clients on tax matters. "He is a standout for private client. He knows international tax well," says a peer, while another remarks: "He is very knowledgeable and he also provides good attention to the client." An impressed client enthuses: "He was quick to understand our case and come up with solutions or advice to our problems. One of the characteristics we like about him is that he is very meticulous when it comes to trying to understand exactly what our issues are."

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is a highly respected figure in the market and is particularly active in tax litigation. A market commentator notes: "He is very well known in the country as a leading tax lawyer."

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara co-ordinates the firm's tax teams in Lisbon and Madeira. His peers say he is "very well known in the country as a leading tax lawyer and also in the area of private wealth law," highlighting his impressive clientele and experience in corporate and individual taxation.

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is the head of department in Lisbon and clients highlight his "competence, wisdom, calmness and excellent advice." He is particular active in tax litigation, advising key Portuguese corporates on disputes over corporate income tax, and he also acts for clients on adaptation to new tax provisions.

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Notable Practitioner Private Wealth Law
Head of the Lisbon tax group Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is a regular adviser to prominent domestic companies and multinationals, and also assists high net worth individuals with a variety of tax issues. His recent highlights include acting for Somincor on a corporate income tax dispute.
"Top" lawyer Francisco de Sousa da Câmara focuses on corporate taxation and restructurings. He also handles tax litigation and arbitration cases.

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Band 1 Tax
Francisco de Sousa da Câmara co-ordinates the Lisbon and Madeira teams and is praised by peers for his experience. He focuses on transfer pricing, securitisation and the taxation of financial products.
Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is considered one of the top tax practitioners in the country. He co-ordinates the Lisbon and Funchal teams.
Francisco de Sousa da Câmara co-ordinates the Lisbon and Funchal teams. Sources say he is "calm, thinks ahead and is very strategic."
Leading light Francisco de Sousa da Câmara heads the team in Lisbon and Madeira and is hailed for his tax litigation skills.
Leading the practice in Lisbon and Funchal is prestigious lawyer Francisco de Sousa da Câmara, who comes highly recommended for complex corporate tax matters.
Leading light Francisco de Sousa da Câmara heads the team in Lisbon and Madeira and is hailed for his tax litigation skills.
"Excellent" tax specialist Francisco de Sousa da Câmara leads the group in Lisbon and Madeira, and is held in high regard by commentators.
Lisbon and Madeira head of practice Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is a specialist in international tax and transfer pricing, and “undoubtedly one of the best lawyers in the field.” One source enthused: “He is excellent academically – and that helps to put him ahead of the competition.”
Clients admire Francisco de Sousa da Câmara for his great local and international tax knowledge. “We always feel safe in his hands,” one client commented.
Peers unhesitatingly recommend Francisco de Sousa da Câmara, widely considered “one of Portugal’s very best in the tax arena” and a number-one choice for many making client referrals. “Well known and extremely experienced,” he is an “incredibly precise lawyer with outstanding technical skills,” according to sources.

Chambers Global

Clients admire Francisco de Sousa da Câmara for his great local and international tax knowledge. “We always feel safe in his hands,” one client commented.
Peers unhesitatingly recommend Francisco de Sousa da Câmara, widely considered “one of Portugal’s very best in the tax arena” and a number-one choice for many making client referrals. “Well known and extremely experienced,” he is an “incredibly precise lawyer with outstanding technical skills,” according to sources.
Market connoisseurs agree that Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is “one of the top tax lawyers the country has to offer.” Sources admired his “remarkable litigation skills and ability to deal with complex international transactions,” while one key client commented: “He relishes a challenge.”
Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is renowned for covering complex international tax matters, offering some of the “best tax litigation expertise around”. As leader of the team, he has advised Pestana Group on the reorganization related to the taxation of intellectual and industrial property, namely on international transfer pricing issues.

Legal 500

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Hall of Fame Tax

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Hall of Fame - Leading Individuals Tax

‘Francisco Sousa da Câmara – in addition to the great technical skills that characterise him, we highlight a special human component and technical sensitivity.’

‘Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is a reference in the market and a true star of the legal profession in this field.'

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Leading Individuals Tax

‘Francisco de Sousa da Câmara is outstanding.’

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Leading Lawyer Tax

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Leading Lawyer Tax

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Leading Lawyer Tax

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Leading Lawyer Tax

Francisco de Sousa da Câmara

Leading Lawyer Tax